Supporting the Health of Survivors of Family Violence in Family Law Proceedings

This project is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and is designed to address the unique need of survivors of family violence within the family justice system. Canada’s research centres on gender-based violence will initiate, host and support a Community of Practice (CoP) comprised of family violence experts, survivors, family lawyers, researchers, mental health, and social service professionals.

The overarching goal of the project is to enhance support to survivors of violence through the family law system by increasing opportunities for family law practitioners to have training, guidance and resources to support trauma-informed practice, and to improve coordination of services that will enhance the safety and wellbeing of all parties.

Dr. Margaret Jackson is a Co-Investigator on the project.

Alliance Against Violence & Adversity (AVA Training Platform)

The Alliance Against Violence & Adversity (AVA) is about creating the capacity to transform population (community) health and social services to promote health and wellness of girls and women at risk/affected by violence and adversity over the life-cycle, via a collaborative, innovative, cross-sectoral/disciplinary/jurisdictional training platform. AVA stands to help reduce family violence and improve Canada’s UNICEF rankings for girls’ health and wellness, with positive lifespan, intergenerational and population impacts.

Dr. Margaret Jackson is a Principal Applicant on the project. BC community agency collaborators / knowledge users include Dr. Sarah Yercich as the Lead for the FREDA Centre and Dr. Kate Rossiter as the Lead for the Ending Violence Association of BC.

National research examining the link between family law and criminal law in the area of domestic violence

A number of projects emerged from this interest working with retired BC Supreme Court Justice Donna Martinson. Other aspects of the research have involved the National Judicial Institute, the various BC Justice Summits, the Continuing Legal Education Program, and Trial Lawyers Association. Articles, presentations and related committee memberships have characterized this stream of FREDA’s work.