FREDA conducts qualitative collaborative research using a participatory action based approach
The Centre works with community groups, frontline service providers, and policy-makers to produce research that is relevant and useable. Current research projects cover a wide variety of issues and examine the issue of violence from a systemic (i.e., societal), interpersonal, and intersectional perspective.
Research reports produced by the FREDA Centre are diverse and include an analysis of the sexual exploitation and trafficking of young women; violence against marginalized girls; a parenting guide for single mothers of children who have witnessed violence; the links between violence and eating disorders; trends concerning violence against women; an analysis of the Violence Against Women in Relationships (VAWIR) Policy; and the implications of records disclosure legislation.
Our research methods include critical analysis of the existing literature; qualitative interviews with community members, organizations, and survivors; analysis of policies and legislation; and discourse analysis where appropriate. Research methods vary according to the topic being investigated and the nature of the collaborative relationship between the affected communities and the researchers.
FREDA convenes round-table discussions from time to time with front line workers, academics and policy makers to discuss policies impacting on survivors of violence, as well as to discuss recommendations emanating from inquests and inquiries stemming from particular violence-related incidents. These recommendations are forwarded to the relevant federal and provincial government departments.
The FREDA Centre Chronology and Research Project Highlights (2022) provides a comprehensive overview of current and completed projects.