The FREDA Centre’s 30th Anniversary Celebration held at the SFU Wosk Centre
May 10, 2024 Following a brief history of the FREDA Centre's history given by the Director of the Centre, Dr. Margaret Jackson, a lunch and a toast to the Centre [...]
Making a Difference: The FREDA Centre Outstanding Community Service and Leadership Award
Presented to The Honourable Donna Jean Martinson, K.C. November 2, 2023 The certificate below represents the honour which was bestowed upon the Honourable Donna Jean Martinson, K.C. on November 2, [...]
Intimate partner violence, animal abuse, and shelter: The Canadian landscape
Dr. Amy Fitzgerald is a Full Professor of Criminology in the Department of Sociology and Criminology, and also holds a hybrid appointment with the Great Lakes Institute for [...]
La violence conjugale, maltraitance des animaux, et refuge: le paysage canadien
Amy Fitzgerald, Ph.D., est professeur titulaire de criminologie au département de sociologie et de criminologie, et occupe également un poste hybride au Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research, [...]
Gender-based Violence in Rural and Remote Settings in Ontario and British Columbia: Experiences, Challenges and Services Available for Women (webinar)
This webinar entitled "Gender-based Violence in Rural and Remote Settings in Ontario and British Columbia: Experiences, Challenges and Services Available for Women" features the work of two scholars, [...]